What are the top 3 supplements everyone should take?
After being asked to speak on a radio show about vitamins, I figured I might as well share that information with you. Vitamins, this is a big topic and not without some controversy.
Let me be clear, in a perfect world we would get all we need from a balanced diet of vegetables, protein, nuts, seeds, legumes and fruit. But we do not live in a perfect world and the battle wages on to keep our bodies in optimal condition. Fighting toxins from all arenas – air, skin, food, soil, EMF’s and more adds an even bigger need for good nutrition. In todays world, it is impossible to stay disease free without supporting our bodies with some good outside supplementation.
Here are some important tips so you can make informed purchases and speak with knowledge to your doctor to get some simple but very informative blood tests done.
Here are the top 3 supplements I recommend to all of my patients:
#1 Essential fatty acids
Otherwise known as Omegas 3,6,9, DHA or Fish oil. These nutrients are essential for so many things in the body. They are important for their anti-inflammatory affect – they help with arthritis, heart health, hormone balancing, brain health and more.My saying is “from 8 to 80” Kids need good fats to feed their growing brains and us older folks need it for the declining brain. All kidding aside, EFA’s are what we call neuroprotective, that means they help to protect the brain – something we all are very interested in.Did you know EFA’s are needed to help drive the calcium you are taking into your bones – yep, low fat or bad fat equals poor bone health.
The important thing to remember is that fish oil can be very TOXIC, with heavy metals, mercury and more. It is essential that you purchase your oils from a company that is highly reputable. Any private labeling like bottles from Costco, Trader Joes, GNC I prefer to stay away from because I have no idea who made that product for them. You want a company that has a history of outside testing, ensuring the product is clean from toxins. These days the product often has to be purified and or distilled and this is not an inexpensive process. If it seems too good to be true in terms of price, it probably is. This is not a place to skimp on cost. There is way too much at stake. I like to use companies like Nordic Naturals, Metagenics, Biotics, Rainbow Light, NOW or Solaray to name a few.
#2 Multi-Vitamins
A good multi vitamin that addresses your specific needs. This is not a one size fits all situation and it is more involved then breaking it down to men, women and children. In my many years of working in the healthcare field, I have come to appreciate the nuances of nutrition and if you can take a multi that targets you specifically, that is a better way to go. What does that look like you ask? Well, do you have blood sugar issues, are you trying to get pregnant, are you entering menopause, is it cold/flu season? These are some of the things that will impact which multi is best for you.
#3 Vitamin D
This is a nutrient that is naturally made by your body using sunlight. Based on the UVB/UVA rays, the time of day, the time of year, it is hit or miss if you are actually getting enough sun on your naked skin, without sunscreen, to make enough Vit D. Here in sunny California I have not tested one person who has enough Vit D, unless they have been taking supplements.
Vit D is important for virtually every aspect of your health.Brain, digestion, bones, anti-cancer you get the picture why it is in my top 3 list.
So how much Vitamin D is enough? You want your Vit. D to be around 70, but most labs have 30 as a low normal. Anything below 70 requires taking a supplement. I have patients who are given a 50,000 IU pill to take one time per week. I don’t like this solution at all. There is no way your body is ever exposed to this much Vit D at one time and it just doesn’t make sense to dispense this large amount. I will give 10,000 IU daily for 3 months and then retest to ensure the number is going up and to evaluate how much you need to continue taking.
You can test your Vit D levels from a blood test and the lab I use will run this test for $37. If your doctor won’t run this or they want to charge you an outrageous amount, get in touch with me and I can order the testJust like with the Fish oil, your vitamins can be loaded with fillers, additives, preservatives and other toxic substances that will add to your body burden, not relieve it. I use several lines of supplements in my practice that are extremely reputable, and many are formulated by doctors who specialize in superior nutrition. I also have several brands that I will recommend. Ideally find someone to work with, or have a consultation with me to determine what is best for you.I hope this information is helpful and you feel better about including some basic but essential nutritional supplements into our daily routine. Please reach out if you have questions or want to order blood work.
Be Well,