What are the top 3 supplements everyone should take?

After being asked to speak on a radio show about vitamins, I figured I might as well share that information with you. Vitamins, this is a big topic and not without some controversy.

Let me be clear, in a perfect world we would get all we need from a balanced diet of vegetables, protein, nuts, seeds, legumes and fruit. But we do not live in a perfect world and the battle wages on to keep our bodies in optimal condition. Fighting toxins from all arenas – air, skin, food, soil, EMF’s and more adds an even bigger need for good nutrition. In todays world, it is impossible to stay disease free without supporting our bodies with some good outside supplementation.

Here are some important tips so you can make informed purchases and speak with knowledge to your doctor to get some simple but very informative blood tests done.

Here are the top 3 supplements I recommend to all of my patients:

#1 Essential fatty acids

Otherwise known as Omegas 3,6,9, DHA or Fish oil. These nutrients are essential for so many things in the body. They are important for their anti-inflammatory affect – they help with arthritis, heart health, hormone balancing, brain health and more.My saying is “from 8 to 80” Kids need good fats to feed their growing brains and us older folks need it for the declining brain. All kidding aside, EFA’s are what we call neuroprotective, that means they help to protect the brain – something we all are very interested in.Did you know EFA’s are needed to help drive the calcium you are taking into your bones – yep, low fat or bad fat equals poor bone health.

The important thing to remember is that fish oil can be very TOXIC, with heavy metals, mercury and more. It is essential that you purchase your oils from a company that is highly reputable. Any private labeling like bottles from Costco, Trader Joes, GNC I prefer to stay away from because I have no idea who made that product for them. You want a company that has a history of outside testing, ensuring the product is clean from toxins. These days the product often has to be purified and or distilled and this is not an inexpensive process. If it seems too good to be true in terms of price, it probably is. This is not a place to skimp on cost. There is way too much at stake. I like to use companies like Nordic Naturals, Metagenics, Biotics, Rainbow Light, NOW or Solaray to name a few.

#2 Multi-Vitamins

imagesA good multi vitamin that addresses your specific needs. This is not a one size fits all situation and it is more involved then breaking it down to men, women and children. In my many years of working in the healthcare field, I have come to appreciate the nuances of nutrition and if you can take a multi that targets you specifically, that is a better way to go. What does that look like you ask? Well, do you have blood sugar issues, are you trying to get pregnant, are you entering menopause, is it cold/flu season? These are some of the things that will impact which multi is best for you.

#3 Vitamin D

This is a nutrient that is naturally made by your body using sunlight. Based on the UVB/UVA rays, the time of day, the time of year, it is hit or miss if you are actually getting enough sun on your naked skin, without sunscreen, to make enough Vit D.  Here in sunny California I have not tested one person who has enough Vit D, unless they have been taking supplements.

Vit D is important for virtually every aspect of your health.Brain, digestion, bones, anti-cancer you get the picture why it is in my top 3 list.

So how much Vitamin D is enough?  You want your Vit. D to be around 70, but most labs have 30 as a low normal. Anything below 70 requires taking a supplement.  I have patients who are given a 50,000 IU pill to take one time per week. I don’t like this solution at all. There is no way your body is ever exposed to this much Vit D at one time and it just doesn’t make sense to dispense this large amount. I will give 10,000 IU daily for 3 months and then retest to ensure the number is going up and to evaluate how much you need to continue taking.

You can test your Vit D levels from a  blood test and the lab I use will run this test for $37. If your doctor won’t run this or they want to charge you an outrageous amount, get in touch with me and I can order the testJust like with the Fish oil, your vitamins can be loaded with fillers, additives, preservatives and other toxic substances that will add to your body burden, not relieve it. I use several lines of supplements in my practice that are extremely reputable, and many are formulated by doctors who specialize in superior nutrition. I also have several brands that I will recommend.  Ideally find someone to work with, or have a consultation with me to determine what is best for you.I hope this information is helpful and you feel better about including some basic but essential nutritional supplements into our daily routine. Please reach out if you have questions or want to order blood work.

Be Well,

12 Tips For a Healthy New Year

I hope this newsletter finds you and your family healthy and excited about the upcoming Holidays.

I thought I would take a page from the 12 Days of Christmas song and give you 12 tips for a healthy new year. There are no guarantees in life but implementing these tips will certainly have a positive impact on your health and wellbeing. Cheers to an amazing Holiday Season and a great 2016!!

Tip #1

Food is your BEST medicine so start reading your labels and let go of those foods that might taste great (because of all those additives) and chose more whole foods, closer to their source. My rule is if I can’t pronounce or identify something on the label, I don’t really want to ingest it.

Tip #2

Caffeine in moderation and never on an empty stomach. Often a cup of coffee will last someone a few hours before they become hungry and finally eat breakfast, this is not a good idea for many reasons. If you are a coffee drinker, pair it with some food, your blood sugar and adrenals will thank you!

Tip #3

Try tea! For those who need that caffeine boost in the morning, try green tea. There are so many kinds and they all contain health benefits including providing anti-cancer agents that protect you from oxidative stress. Other teas like Nettles, Licorice and Milk Thistle have wonder healthful properties, so after that first cup of coffee, try tea for the rest of the day.

Tip #4

Snacks are your friend. 2 snacks per day will help to keep your blood sugar in check and your metabolism from slowing down. Make them healthful snacks that contain some protein and good fat like a Lara Bar, an apple with ¼ c. nuts – almonds, walnuts, cashews. An apple with some cheddar cheese, or a hard boiled egg.

Tip #5

Exercise consistently. It is not so much the amount that is so important as the consistency that makes the biggest impact. Move your body, move your qi, help your brain and destress your nervous system. Programs like Miracle Mile, which help you walk in your home for those who live where there are harsh winters, or try Yoga with Adriene on youtube or Kettleworx – these are all good and easy to follow programs that will help keep you consistent.

Tip #6

Stay hydrated. Research shows that a persons water intake is individual and based on your weight. The formula  is 50% of your weight in ounces. If someone weighs 140 lbs, they need 70 oz, of water. And I do mean clean, pure water. Not water in your coffee, or iced tea. It may be a big change for some so start slow and know what your target goal is.

Tip #7

Healthy fats are so important. Every cell in your body has a layer of fat around it  that acts like a soldier, allowing things into and out of the cell, so that  fat needs to be healthy – NO Trans fats. Good sources are nuts, seeds, avocado, coconut oil, clean non-farmed fish. Everyone needs to be taking a high quality Essential fatty acid supplement daily. It is so important for your heart, joints, hormones, brain and much more.

Tip #8

Get good sleep. Your body needs sleep to restore and reset for the next day. If you aren’t sleeping well look into solutions. Use good sleep hygiene: turn off electronics 1 hr. before bed, don’t use the bedroom as an office or TV room – it is for sleep and intimacy only, take a warm bath with lavender oil before bed time, spray a lavender mist on your pillow, do restoration pose before getting into bed (see #10), work with a practitioner to determine if you need Melatonin, GABA,  or some other supplement.

Tip #9

Eat organic as much as possible. We use tons of pounds of chemical fertilizer, pesticides, fungicides and weed killers yearly on our crops. Many of these have never been tested for their health impact.

Tip #10

Quiet the mind daily. 10 minutes of meditation or the restoration pose can do wonders to calm stress and anxiety, improve energy and sleep. The restoration pose is simply lying on the floor with your legs up on a chair, bent at the knees. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in – counting to 4, pause counting to 4 and then exhale completely to the count of 4. This simple deep breathing exercise helps to restore your nervous system back to parasympathetic (relaxation). Done on a regular basis this can have profound effects on your adrenals, blood sugar, stress levels and more.

Tip #11

Practice the art of gratitude. There is so much on a daily basis to be grateful for and if we look, there is plenty to feel bad about too. But focusing on the positive, appreciating family, friends, freedoms – these are the things that matter. Keep a journal, make a daily pronouncement at dinner, type it into your computer – whatever format suits you best but do it daily.

Tip #12

Do a supervised thorough Detox yearly. It is essential that you help get rid of chemicals and toxins we accumulate through the year. They are in cleaning products, personal care products, food, clothing even in construction materials like carpet, pain, cupboards. This is such an important subject and one I will be devoting an entire post to. But know that this is one of the most important things you can do for yourself.  Feel free to contact me for information about the one I have used with my family and patients for years, with great results.



2 Important Breast Care Tests You Probably Don’t Know About

Imagine if you will, being able to identify a potentially catastrophic illness before it occurred and stopping it in its tracks. What if you could see an oncoming problem soon enough to change things so it never happens – would you do it?

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. What do you say we call it Breast Health month instead. Lets’ turn our attention to the positive side of wellness and not the mindset of looking for a disease process that will require significant life altering treatments.

Knowledge is power – there is no question about that and by doing several simple tests,  you can have a very useful understanding of how your body is handling estrogens, and whether or not your body is accumulating abnormal cells in breast tissue.

The tests I am talking about are the Estronex  Profile and Breast Thermography.


951d57_d699bfbf59e845de9c59e1a172ad168a.png_srz_281_196_75_22_0.50_1.20_0The Estronex urine test will give you information about the ratio of estrogens in your body. There are 4 “good” estrogens and 2 “bad” ones and the ratio of these estrogens can give you very important information about how your body is processing them.

Good estrogens exhibit anti-carcinogenic effects, and are ideal to reduce cancer growth.

The Bad ones may encourage tumor growth.

By looking at the ratios you can see if there is an indication for increased risk of estrogen sensitive cancers like breast or cervical. Now the great thing about this knowledge is there are things you can do that will assist your body in getting the estrogens in the more healthful ratios – out with the bad, in with the good!


cruciferous_cb83e2e58f6b0bcb25a6fbe754310f8cThere are foods that will have a positive impact on your estrogens:  Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, Brussel sprouts, bok choy, turnip, radish) Maca, Mushrooms, Olive oil, Red wine & grapes, Chia seeds, Oats, Green tea and Citrus fruits. Raw nuts, Onion, Tumeric, Algaes, Green Leafy vegetables.  And supplements like DIM, Calcium D-Glucarate, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids.


The second test I mentioned is Thermography. This test is non-invasive, uses no radiation, is painless and has no contact with the body at all.  It uses a state of the art infrared camera that detects thermal (heat) patterns. These images are then read by doctors who are trained to detect physiological changes in the body. Thermography can identify areas of concern before there are actual structural changes, as well as detecting masses.

thermographyIt is a wonderful proactive tool and a very important component to this screening is that it is comparing your own thermal pattern from year to year. It can detect changes long before a lump is formed, giving you time to make lifestyle changes and monitor treatments and be able to receive early and minimally invasive intervention. If you go to http://thebreastthermographycenter.com/ you will find lots of great information about this process. This is something that I  do and recommend to my patients. I usually suggest 5 years of thermography and then a mammogram.

So you see, there are some simple, proactive things you can do that can have significant impact on your health and well being. Find a practitioner who can work with these tests and evaluate your health status, and then  creates for you  a program that will  promote vibrant health and well being.

Let’s have the mind set of health awareness and not seeking disease . It is a more positive and power place to come from.

Treating Allergies without Shots

An Allergy Treatment Almost too Good to be True!

An allergy treatment that doesn’t involve injections??? Quackalert.com says anyone doing this protocol should be reported to their states Attorney General. Is this some sort of joke?

NO, it’s called NAET and I have been using this allergy treatment on my patients for over 10 years with great success. I have used it on adults, on children and even animals while working with a veterinary in Santa Monica, CA.

Do you realize that an allergic reaction doesn’t only mean sinus issues, watery eyes and sneezing? A reaction can cause arthritis, digestive disorders like IBS, asthma, headaches, eczema, foggy head and more.

dog-and-cat-1409970An allergy is an abnormal immune system response that causes an over-reaction. You can be allergic to almost anything, foods, chemicals, prescription drugs, herbs, vitamins, grass, pollen etc.  When the body is exposed to something that stimulates an immune response several things happen: the body begins to produce Immunoglobulin E, a specific antibody. The antibodies attach to mast cells, these are found in the airways, GI tract, and elsewhere. These mast cells release a variety of chemicals including histamine. It is histamine that is responsible for most allergy reactions.

In NAET, allergies are looked at from an Oriental Medicine perspective and are defined as anything that disrupts the flow of energy along one or more of the 12 pathways. Allergies can cause energy blockages in the body and are a result of one or more factors: hereditary, over exposure to a substance or emotions

NAET is both a diagnostic tool and a treatment. Using muscle testing to determine what exactly you are reacting to, you are then treated for that substance. For the scope of this article I can’t go into an in-depth dialogue on muscle testing and vibrational medicine, but let me just briefly explain. Every living thing has a vibrational energy to it. We and every other thing is made up of matter, whose subatomic elements oscillate or vibrate.  All of this is according to a new perspective of Einsteinian and quantum physics.  The biochemical molecules that make up the body are really a form of vibrating energy. When you introduce something into this energy field, it either strengthens the system or short circuits it, which is determined with muscle testing. Anything that the body rejects on any level we term to be an “allergen”. The effects of this rejection might be subtle or quite obvious – a rash, asthma, a headache, a stomachache etc.. It is the body saying it is not happy with what you just exposed it to. A build- up of reactions can look like an auto immune disease and chronic illness.

The blockage of energy is removed by using acupuncture needles or acupressure on specific points that are on the meridians or pathways of energy that run along the body, while holding onto a vial that contains the substance. Then the substance is avoided for 25 hours. That’s it. On your next visit the substance is retested and if you are strong another substance is treated. Rarely will there be more treatments needed on a substance.

There is also a direct link between your immune system and allergies. Many things can impact your “allergy picture” like a history of antibiotics, prescription drug use overall GI health.  For this reason it is always important to have a complete work up when you first see a practitioner. There could be underlying issues that are making your body more reactive to things.

So next time it is recommended that your or someone in your family get allergy shots, you may want to look into finding an NAET practitioner first.

Air Travel

Most of us are familiar with the stresses and strains of air travel.  Congested airports, crowded planes, long hours of confinement with crying babies, coughing neighbors and little to no food.

Yes, it’s challenging but it doesn’t have to be as bad as it sounds! With a few small additions to your travel bag, you can arrive fit and ready for your adventure.

The odds are against a healthy you!

Independent Traveler.com says:

“Studies vary, but most show that airline carriers are formidable carriers of the common cold. The Wall Street Journal cited a study that found an increased risk of catching the cold by as high as 20 percent, while another study in the Journal of Environmental Health Research found that colds may be more than 100 times more likely to be transmitted on a plane than during normal daily life on the ground.”

Air travel has a very dehydrating affect on our bodies. The low humidity and the altitude both contribute to dehydration. Keep in mind that even in a pressurized cabin, you’re at least 6000-8000 ft. above sea level.

Why is dehydration so bad?

Because with dehydration your nasal passages dry out and those mucus membranes are your first line of defense. Dehydration also weakens your immune system at the exact time when you are in a tube full of the recycled air and germs of hundreds of people.

Protect yourself!

How to Stay Healthy in an Airplane

Here are a few tips that can make a difference:

Pack a Wrap

I always bring along a nice long wrap that I can use as a pillow, a blanket or a headrest. I never feel quite at ease using the airline blankets and prefer my own. If I’m not using it, one of my kids is. If it is cotton, it will be light enough to fold up and put in your carry-on bag or even your purse.

Bring Your Own Food

Plane food can be high in sodium and preservatives, adding to your dehydration. Pack some protein bars, pick up a salad or a healthy sandwich once you get past security. When flying with kids, pack a few easy, non-messy, nutritious and satisfying snacks.

Don’t Forget your Vitamins

Be sure to pack your basic vitamins. A multi, your EFA’s (essential fatty acids), Garlic (it has natural anti-bacterial effects as well as keeping the bugs away) and I usually take a powerful Oregano oil because it is good for getting rid of many bacteria and other microbes. I prefer ADP from Biotics.

Support Your Gut

Taking a probiotic is a good idea. Your gastrointestinal system is a first line of defense and traveling frequently creates challenges. Probiotics help combat an upset stomach and constipation. A few recommendations include: Dr. Mercola’s Complete Probiotic, NOW Probiotic 10, Ultimate Flora by RenewLife, and Health Origins Probiotic.


You are sitting in a small space that has been shared by countless other travelers from around the world. I like to immediately wipe down the armrests, tray table and even the seat belt buckle with either a Tea Tree wipe, a hand sanitizing wipe, or a tissue sprayed with Tea Tree Spray by Health Bloom. I’m not paranoid but I am cautious, and if a quick wipe will lower the risk of getting somebody else’s germs, then it’s worth taking that extra minute.

Stay Hydrated

The air in planes is very low in humidity so it’s dehydrating! Your sinuses are a first line of defense and when they get dry, you can’t fight germs very well. Use a saline nose spray or better yet, try the Tea Tree Spray by Health Bloom. It will moisten your nasal passages and get some good germ killing oil molecules up there as well.  And don’t forget eye drops, they are an easy way to keep your eyes from getting red and burning.
Drink water and not wine. Alcohol is dehydrating, don’t add insult to injury. Save the cocktails for celebrating that you are safely at your destination.

Drink Decaffeinated Tea

Tea is a great way to help soothe some of the discomforts of travel. If you tend to get upset stomachaches, make sure to bring some Peppermint or Ginger tea with you. If you want to get some help with sleep, try Chamomile or the Pure Relaxation Spray from Health Bloom. If you are worried about getting a cold/flu bring along an Immune Booster blend.

For more great information on tea, what to take for different ailments and good reading in general pickup, Hot Water for Tea by Nicola Salter.

The Price of Comfort

Cramped quarters contribute to achy muscles and general crankiness. Nowadays airlines offer the option of purchasing more leg room so, if your budget allows for it, that’s something you might seriously want to consider. More space means room to stretch and a limber body is good for both your mental and physical well-being.

Get Up and Move Around

Yes it can be difficult, squeezing yourself out of those ridiculously tiny seats, but squeeze you must. Sitting too long can actually result in a DVT, deep vein thrombosis, also known as a blood clot. This occurs when the blood in your lower legs flows sluggishly and a clot can form. This will cause pain and swelling at first, but can lead to much greater health risks. You may recall that both Vice Presidents, Dick Cheney and Dan Quayle, experienced blood clots caused by long flights – so remember, as the hit song from Madagascar so aptly put it: You’ve got to move it, move it.

Also, avoid sitting with your legs crossed because that too can inhibit blood flow.

Get Some Sleep

Sleep is one of the most restorative things we can do for ourselves but sleeping while we’re in transit can be extremely difficult for some people. For that reason, if you can, fly during the day.  If you do fly at night, here are some tips for you:

  • Avoid heavy meals
  • Drink Chamomile tea
  • Use the Pure Relaxation Spray by Health Bloom to soothe your nerves
  • Try Melatonin. It helps to regulate the day and night cycles which can get mixed up during ravel.  It’s also good for jet lag.  To get your body regulated, take it at bedtime and continue with the same regiment for 2-5 days.