Entries by Kathy Long

What are the top 3 supplements everyone should take?

After being asked to speak on a radio show about vitamins, I figured I might as well share that information with you. Vitamins, this is a big topic and not without some controversy. Let me be clear, in a perfect world we would get all we need from a balanced diet of vegetables, protein, nuts, […]

12 Tips For a Healthy New Year

I hope this newsletter finds you and your family healthy and excited about the upcoming Holidays. I thought I would take a page from the 12 Days of Christmas song and give you 12 tips for a healthy new year. There are no guarantees in life but implementing these tips will certainly have a positive […]

2 Important Breast Care Tests You Probably Don’t Know About

Imagine if you will, being able to identify a potentially catastrophic illness before it occurred and stopping it in its tracks. What if you could see an oncoming problem soon enough to change things so it never happens – would you do it? October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. What do you say we call […]

Treating Allergies without Shots

An Allergy Treatment Almost too Good to be True! An allergy treatment that doesn’t involve injections??? Quackalert.com says anyone doing this protocol should be reported to their states Attorney General. Is this some sort of joke? NO, it’s called NAET and I have been using this allergy treatment on my patients for over 10 years […]

Air Travel

Most of us are familiar with the stresses and strains of air travel.  Congested airports, crowded planes, long hours of confinement with crying babies, coughing neighbors and little to no food. Yes, it’s challenging but it doesn’t have to be as bad as it sounds! With a few small additions to your travel bag, you […]