Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been practiced for over 3,000 years. A complete system of healthcare, TCM is a body/mind medicine based on a principle foundation of balance between the body, mind and spirit.
The various modalities used to achieve this include acupuncture, herbal medicine and supplements, cupping, moxibustion, nutritional counseling, exercise, and meditation.
How Does It Work?
Classical Chinese theory explains that energy flows throughout the body through channels, or meridians that connect all the organs and systems that sustain life.
There are 12 primary channels of energy that run up and down the body, front and back. Stress, trauma, infection and/or poor diet can cause the energy flow along the meridians to become stagnant or disrupted, resulting in pain and illness.
These pathways of energy are inter-connected, inter-dependent and inter-related. What that means is, something that affects the energy of one pathway will have an impact on the other channels as well.
By stimulating specific points along the channels, balance and harmony can be restored. There are over 365 different point locations throughout the various meridians and each one has a name, a number and is associated with a specific function.
In Acupuncture, the energy flow along a meridian channel is manipulated through the insertion of small, thin, sterile needles, less than half the width of a regular sewing needle.
There is little to no pain associated with the needles, and they remain in place for approximately 20 minutes, during which time you relax, meditate, practice deep breathing or even sleep.
Scientific research has demonstrated that stimulation of acupuncture points results in a release of neurohormones (such as endorphins). This has an analgesic effect as well as an effect on other multiple systems of the body, which elevate mood and relieve pain in humans as well as in animals..
About Cupping
How it Works
Glass cups are heated by use of flame to create suction and then placed at various locations on the body.
The suction then causes the skin and superficial muscle layer to be drawn up into the cup which helps to loosen muscles and increase blood flow to the surrounding area. It even helps to sedate the nervous system.
The cups can be left in place, or, with the assistance of massage oil, be gently moved around an area.